MultiBoot Dual Hiren's 06.10.2010 Multilanguage

MultiBoot Dual Hiren's 06.10.2010 Multilanguage/ 424Mb

MutiBoot Dual Hiren 2010 is a new product multiboot disk with lots of tools for the correct operation of your PC will allow you to correct mistakes when you start Windows and optimize it for good and quick work.MutiBoot Dual Hiren 2010 is a new product multiboot disk with lots of tools for the correct operation of your PC will allow you to correct mistakes when you start Windows and optimize it for good and quick work.

MultiBoot Dual Hiren's 06.10.2010 Multilanguage

This is done to the original boot Linux, the content includes:
MiniWindows XP Hiren (added directly to Ghost32 running 11.5.1)
Download Hirens CD 8.5A
Hirens Boot CD 11,0 (this version was included utility cutter, that he removed the original, as well as add other utilities)
Windows Recoverry Console (WinXP bug fix without a disc)
The usefulness of 2 copies remain Hiren boot i.t.d,

By . on Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010 | | A comment?
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