UEFI technology to replace the BIOS

UEFI technology to replace the BIOS. BIOS era will soon end and swith the latest UEFI technology. This technology can reduce star up time, So the computer can turn in second .

Menufacturer BIOS technology is now making the software a new star- ups khown as the anified Extensible Fimware interface (UEFI) . The result is the latest generation of home computer will be able to turn on the computer system in seconds.

BIOS technology has been useb  in computer since 1979 This technology has never been redesigned  over a perriod so long that the reason why kenapa modem computer to spend so much time to become to active

On the other hand , UEFI has been developed to meet the needs of modem computer  and will soon be applied in my new computer . This software is able to 'active' and off in metter of seconds.

"At that time, this softwawre allows  only takes 25 30 seconds before seeing to star screen of  your computer  OS ," said the head of the UEFI Forum mark doran . "it's not rally an instant , but much beeter than thae conventional BIOS .

BIOS  technology has been used in several evolution of modem computers such as the keyboard is connected  to a USB or Flash drivers

the experts hope UEFI will Gain a significant foothold in the computing market early next  year. Many electronics companies are working hard to reduce the activation time of their machines 

By . on Rabu, 29 Desember 2010 | | A comment?
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